This game is Public Domain, and may be copied freely with no charge, or put in a PD Library and sold for a small fee. If not I'll sue your head off.
Right. You are Jonathon Ferguson Hitler Spelling Mistake on Title Screen Lemming, and you've come out of Oxford Uni with two PhD's. But when you came back
from Uni, you find a notice pinned up on your front door, "Poll Tax Not Paid,come to Beautiful Hackney Town Hall immediately." If I was Jonathon, I'd make
that notice into a paper plane and throw it in the general direction of
Finland, but I'm not Jonathon, so he goes and gets thrown into the catacombs
beneath Beautiful Hackney Town Hall and has to go through sixty levels,
pushing blocks, collecting money to open a trapdoor and generally having good
If the scrolltext goes too fast for your ageing eyes, here my address....
Quintin Parker
Gilbert The Hamster Software
6 Manor Court Road
London W7 3EL
Remind me to switch the auto-repeat on before I do THAT again...